Hudson Woods - Where Design Meets Nature – Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden


  • 20’ X 30’ perimeter - 360 square feet of planting area
  • 6 interior beds of varying sizes
  • Single cedar gate with posts 10’ above ground, with a space for vines to grow above head level
  • 6’ high - 2” X 4” wire mesh fencing - for deer prevention
  • Rodent fencing 2’ below and 2’ above the ground
  • Included in your garden package are 28 cubic yards of local topsoil
  • Approximately 15 different types of vegetables, planted at the appropriate times.
  • Seed and plant starts selection – depending on plants and their needs
  • 3 months initial maintenance (2 times per week)
  • Please note: harvesting not included.